Requirement #1: Research and Reading

Fun fact: why is this Nova module called “Hello World”?

Answer: because writing a code that outputs “Hello World” is usually the first thing any budding programmer starts with!

Example, in Python:

print ("Hello World\n")

And the output on the screen is:

Hello World

\(\boxed{\mathbb{REQ}\Large \rightsquigarrow}\) Choose A or B or C and complete ALL the requirements.

  1. Watch (not less than three hours total) computer-related shows or documentaries that involve computers, coding, and/or computer-related careers. Then do the following: (1) Make a list of at least five questions or ideas from the shows you watched. (2) Discuss two of the questions or ideas with your counselor.

  2. Read (not less than three hours total) about computers, coding, and careers that involve computers. Then do the following: (1) Make a list of at least five questions or ideas from the articles you read. (2) Discuss two of the questions or ideas with your counselor.

  3. Do a combination of reading and watching (not less than three hours total). Then do the following: (1) Make a list of at least five questions or ideas from the articles you read or the shows you watched. (2) Discuss two of the questions or ideas with your counselor.


  1. Suggested reading and watching material might include the following.

  2. Movies about Programming

  3. Articles on Computer Programming


Once you have completed this requirement, make sure you document it in your worksheet!