Requirement #4: Learning to program


You can easily learn the basic of programming using free online resources! For example,

  • Kahn academy is a terrific resource to learn basic programming

  • Free learning platform offered by codeacademy.

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(image obtained from this site)

\(\boxed{\mathbb{REQ}\Large \rightsquigarrow}\) In a programming language of your choosing, do the following:

  1. Write a program that determines if an input string of characters is a palindrome.

  2. Write a program of your choice from the following list.

    1. A program that calculates the sum of a set of input numbers

    2. A program to report the largest and the smallest numbers from a set of input numbers.

    3. A program that calculates the average of a set of input numbers.

    4. A program that calculates the factorial of an input number.

    5. A program that calculates the sum of all numbers from a user input starting number to a user input ending number.


So many programing languages! You may be surprised by the very large number of prgramming languages that exist out there. What are the most popular? Why are there different languages?

  1. Java

    • Portability: Java can run on nearly every system. Java is also the most popular Android language, so the vast majority of Android apps are built in Java.

    • Scalability: Java was built with scalability in mind

    • It has a large community

  2. The C programming language

    • C is one of the oldest, most popular programming languages, thanks to its near universal portability and early adoption by Tech’s biggest brands

    • C is also the most popular language for embedded systems in cars, electronics, and other devices

  3. Python

    • The popularity of Python has risen steadily over the past 15 years

    • Machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, and Robotics all rely heavily on Python

    • Python is very easy to learn and it is one of the most popular introductory language to learn!

  4. Javascript

    • Web developers love JS as it allows them to add interactive effects to web pages.

    • It is simple and quite fast as well and many web apps are completely written in JS

  5. Ruby

    • Ruby has an incredibly simple syntax that allows a developer to do more with less code.

    • Getting a web application up-and-running takes less time than in other frameworks.

    • However, a downside of Ruby is that is not scalable (that is: it has trouble handling large computing tasks even though it works great for smaller tasks)

This tip is adapted from an article posted on Go to the website to learn more!

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10 most popular languages in 2019 and the change in popularity compared to the previous year. The rating is called The Tiobe Index: it works like market share; the percentage is the amount of “market share” a language holds, according to


Once you have completed this requirement, make sure you document it in your worksheet!